Exactly what Fab said...

Jan 01, 2023,23:00 PM

Thank you for your contributions!

Perhaps the greatest aspect of this website is it not mattering if you 0 watches or 10, a Seiko or a Patek, if you post a little or a lot, etc.  We are all for one here!

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Another New Years Thank You…

 By: myles721 : January 1st, 2023-22:22
To all members and especially moderators that work so hard to make this the oasis that it is. I came here for watches but I received so much more! 😎🤙🏻😉

Exactly what Fab said...

 By: MichaelC : January 1st, 2023-23:00
Thank you for your contributions! Perhaps the greatest aspect of this website is it not mattering if you 0 watches or 10, a Seiko or a Patek, if you post a little or a lot, etc. We are all for one here!


 By: myles721 : January 1st, 2023-23:06
Sometimes I not sure the moderators realize how much this site means to many of us. It’s great to have a place that’s separate from IRL mundanity.

Thank you!

 By: patrick_y : January 1st, 2023-23:43
Your appreciation is appreciated!

Many thanks to YOU my friend !

 By: Mike H : January 1st, 2023-23:47
This place is special because you make it special ! Many thanks for your kind words, for your contributions, and for your benevolence towards all. Happy 2023, may it bring you all what you wish that we wish you, but in better

Thank you all

 By: cazalea : January 2nd, 2023-04:43
Guests, members and friends. MikeR

I agree with you...

 By: SRG : January 2nd, 2023-05:34
And thank you for all your posts. I wonder if there will be a GTG of members at some point. I went to the ones in Singapore and Las Vegas. They were truly awesome, but I know they are lots of work. I would love to meet many of the forum moderators and par...